
Giving thanks


As we celebrate Thanksgiving, we at Benach Collopy want to extend special thanks to the many people that have supported us this year as we got our law firm up and running.  Getting a business going is no small task and we could not have done it without the help of so many people who believed in our dream and whose love, hard work and support made our law firm a reality.

First, our spouses.  Mona Luddy Benach, Tazim Mawji, and Bernie Cook lived through the plans, changes of plans, and further changes of plans.  We love you and needed your support, ideas, and love to make this happen.  We also want to thank our fourth spouse, Justin Stewart-Teitelbaum, who helped his wife, Dree Collopy make the jump.  In addition, we are grateful to our kids who endured momentarily absent parents and “playdates” at the office in the planning stages.

Second, we want to thank our marvelous staff. Cyndy Ramirez Clark, Liana Montecinos, Sandra Arboleda and Prerna Lal make the attorneys look good and make coming to work a joy.  Their hard work, belief in our mission and deep concern for providing excellent service to our clients make Benach Collopy what it is.

Third, we want to thank everyone who worked with us and helped us get this firm up and running.  Dave DePietto at NexFirm provided financial expertise, strategic planning and a belief in our ability to succeed.  His second in command at NexFirm, Seth Garrison makes the trains run on time.  Steve Manekin is our accountant and buys us steak.  Marc Shandler, our realtor, found us a space that feels like us and drove a hard bargain on our lease.  Joe Fuld, father to Max Fuld and founder of The Campaign Workshop, designed our logo and kept us from embarrassing ourselves with silly logos.  Diane Seltzer is our favorite lawyer.  Winston Sanchez and Jeiruzka Izquierdo provided delicious food for our open house.  Many others helped and we are extraordinarily grateful to all of you.

Finally, we want to thank the great lawyers who have inspired us and taught us the practice of law.  Denyse Sabagh and Michael Maggio are always here in our hearts.  And, sometimes, Denyse is here in person!!

Many thanks to friends, old and new, who have been part of this amazing journey.  We would not be here without you.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
, Jen, Thomas and Dree

Benach Collopy

Benach Collopy N/a
4530 Wisconsin Ave NW
Suite 400

DC 20016
Map & Directions