
A First Look at the Biden/Harris Immigration Bill
Hours before he takes the oath of office, President-Elect Joe Biden released details of the immigration bill his administration will send to Congress.  The fact sheet distributed by his office reveals a bold bill that...
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Moving Uptown
Moving Uptown
What a year! 2017 will go down as one of the weirdest years we can remember.  And for all the terrible news, we will remember this year as one of tremendous change and growth.  On...
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What is going on with DACA?
What is going on with DACA?
The future of President Obama's program,Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is the subject of intense speculation and even more significant anxiety. Worry over the fate of the program increased significantly this week after Secretary...
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About Adam Crapser and his Deportation
About Adam Crapser and his Deportation
[caption id="attachment_2814" align="aligncenter" width="634"] Korean adoptee Adam Crapser, left, poses with daughters, Christal, 1, Christina, 5, and his wife, Anh Nguyen, in the family's living room in Vancouver, Wash. on March 19, 2015. Crapser, whose...
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Why Should Congress Support the Refugee Protection Act of 2016?
Why Should Congress Support the Refugee Protection Act of 2016?
“We live in the age of the refugee, the age of the exile.” Ariel Dorfman (Argentine-Chilean playwright, academic and human rights activist) By Satsita Muradova If someone asked me what was the most difficult decision...
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What now for deferred action?  After the Supreme Court decision on DAPA and expanded DACA in Texas v. US.
What now for deferred action? After the Supreme Court decision on DAPA and expanded DACA in Texas v. US.
"The judgement is affirmed by an equally divided court."  With one sentence, the Supreme Court refused to engage in the question of the President's authority to extend deferred action to the parents of U.S. citizens...
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ICE’s New Facility for Trans Detainees Promises More of the Same Abuse
ICE’s New Facility for Trans Detainees Promises More of the Same Abuse
Even as the Obama administration takes steps to protect transgender children in schools and provide access to health care for trans people, the President's illiberal approach to immigration continues to affect trans women in predictable...
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The DAPA and Expanded DACA Case Before the Supreme Court May Be Affected by Justice Scalia’s Passing
The DAPA and Expanded DACA Case Before the Supreme Court May Be Affected by Justice Scalia’s Passing
The death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has created turmoil in Washington DC and on the Presidential campaign trail.  Republicans are uniformly calling on the President to refrain from nominating anyone to fill the...
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On Being an Immigration Lawyer in Washington DC
On Being an Immigration Lawyer in Washington DC
We get a lot of questions about what it is like to be an immigration lawyer in Washington DC.  After all, immigration is a federal matter and Congress and the executive branch are just blocks...
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BR Attorneys Lobby the Administration and Congress to End Family Detention
BR Attorneys Lobby the Administration and Congress to End Family Detention
Once a year immigration attorneys from all over the country march to Washington, D.C. to meet with their elected officials and to encourage them to take action toward fixing this country’s broken immigration system. The...
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What is going on with Executive Action?
What is going on with Executive Action?
It has been a whirlwind month for immigration as this country continues on its indecisive course on immigration law and policy.  We try to make sense of the goings-on: What is the status of Judge...
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The Great Green Card Procurement Announcement Internet Freak-Out of October 2014.
The Great Green Card Procurement Announcement Internet Freak-Out of October 2014.
In the past two months, North Korean despot Kim Jung-un disappeared and reappeared.  And earlier this week, the U.S. government sought bids on a potential government contract.  Both events caused massive speculation but little information...
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What Might Executive Action on Immigration Look Like?
What Might Executive Action on Immigration Look Like?
  [youtube] As Facebook is crowded with pictures of kids going back to school, we must face the inevitable end of summer.  However, for immigrants, it is possible that the end of summer will...
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California Drops a Day and Improves the Lives of Immigrants
California Drops a Day and Improves the Lives of Immigrants
In a move that will help thousands of immigrants, California governor Jerry Brown signed SB 1310 into law today.  This law imposes a maximum sentence of 364 days in prison for those convicted of misdemeanors...
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FOBR Olsi Vrapi Tries to Represent a Child in Artesia, New Mexico
FOBR Olsi Vrapi Tries to Represent a Child in Artesia, New Mexico
Olsi Vrapi is a Friend of Benach Collopy who practices in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  He recently found himself on the front line of the battle of how to handle the major influx of refugee children...
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Benach Collopy

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4530 Wisconsin Ave NW
Suite 400

DC 20016
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